Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Office politics..

Office Politics... you got to love it.. its absolutely crazy 1 X International Conglomerate 2 different subdivisions... carrying on like kindergarten kids... where does it end? vicious circle of love and hate! You scratch my back and i won't scratch yours!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Two Brits guilty of airport insobriety!

Two Brits guilty of airport insobriety

Published on: Tuesday, 18th April, 2006


Two British men were yesterday found guilty of being drunk, using abusive language, and ‘humiliating’ a security guard in Dubai airport. The men have been told to pay Dubai court dhs2000 each for being drunk. One of the men will pay a further dhs500 for the humiliation charge.

The accused were on a trip to India, via Dubai travelling on Emirates, in March 2006. The plane stayed for just half an hour in the airport, when an argument broke out with the security guard after they tried to force their way into the First Class lounge.

During the argument, one of the men spat on one of his hands, and asked to shake hands with the security guard. The two men pleaded guilty to being drunk, but denied humiliation, claiming that there was a misunderstanding.